Authors |
Gorbacheva Alla Vladimirovna, Postgraduate student, Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education unions «Academy of Labor and Social Relations» (90 Lobachevskogo street, Moscow, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Relevance of the topic can be explained by the fact that in the legal literature on labor law there are no works devoted to the peculiarities of legal regulation of labor protection of road infrastructure workers.
Materials and methods. Implementation of the research tasks was achieved on the basis of the analysis of individual labor standards established by the Labour Code, other laws and regulations, governing labor protection. The methodological potential included the comparative legal analysis that allowed to compare the content and significance of development of the theory and practice of legal regulation of the fundamental provisions of the Labour Code and other regulations on safety.
Results. The author investigated the underlying normative legal acts regulating labor protection concerning, in particular, labor protection training of workers, conducting periodic and (or) preliminary medical examinations, etc.
Conclusions. The study of the selected issues of the current legal framework of labor protection leads to the conclusion that the legal and regulatory framework for occupational safety and health is far from perfect and certain rules, governing occupational safety, need to be revised.
References |
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